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Chinese Barb-B-Q Spare Ribs Recipe

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This recipe for Chinese Barb-B-Q Spare Ribs is from The marco Family Cookbook Project, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


2 # Baby Back Ribs
2 Green Onions Cut in 2” Pieces
2 Cloves Garlic, Slightly Crushed
1 Tbsp Chili Sauce
1 Tbsp catchup
2 Tbsp Soy Sauce
2 Tbsp Dry Sherry
1 Tbsp Corn Syrup
½ tsp Salt
1 Tbsp Honey

Mix all except honey and ribs in a bowl. Put the ribs in a Zip Lock bag and pour the maranade over them. Squeeze the air out of the baggie as you seal it and let the ribs marinate for 2 hours, turnibg often. Remove the ribs from the baggie and brush both sides with honey.

Take a wire clothes hanger and cut 4 pieces out of it about 4” long. Bend the pieces into an “S” shape. Put one oven rack as high in the oven as possible and the other low as possible. Hook the ribs on the “S” hooks and hang the ribs from the upper oven rack. Place a pan of water on the lower rack under the ribs. Roast the ribs at 275 degrees for 30 minutes and for another 30 minutes at 300 degrees and finally 10 minutes at 400 degrees.

These can be made ahead and reheated or served at room temperature.




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