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Rainforest Frog Cupcakes Recipe

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This recipe for Rainforest Frog Cupcakes is from Keep On Smiling, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


Pre-bake cupcakes from your favorite cupcake recipe

Watery blue or Green frosting
Green gumdrop
White chocolate chip or 2 Red M & M's
black icing

Start with a batch of cupcakes frosted a watery blue. For each one, slice a large green gumdrop in half. Add to top half of cupcake. Press the tip of a white chocolate chip into the cut surface of each half, centering it near the bottom edge. Squirt a dab of black decorators' icing onto each chip. Then press the frog eyes into the frosting.

* May add red licorice for mouth
* Also may substitute 2 white marshmellows in place of green gumdrops for eyes.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
Isabelle supports the Princes Rainforest Project. To Learn more visit, One of the most important chemotherapy medicines administered to her during treatment came from a plant derivative of the rainforest, known as vincristine. Vincristine is derived from the periwinkle plant in the rainforest. Survival rates were very low until this important plant was discovered in the rainforest. It is one of the key medicinal plant derivatives used to provide researchers with medical treatments to help children as well as adults become cancer free. 70% of the plants identified as having anti-cancer characteristics by the US National Cancer Institute are found only in the tropical rainforest. Scientists have only learned how to use 1% of these amazing plants so imagine the endless possibilities with the other 99% of undiscovered pants in the rainforest. If we did not have the rainforest, lives could not be saved.




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