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"The tradition of Italian cooking is that of the matriarch. This is the cooking of grandma. She didn't waste time thinking too much about the celery. She got the best celery she could and then she dealt with it."--Mario Batali

A Page of Helpful Hints Recipe

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This recipe for A Page of Helpful Hints is from Berkwood Hedge School Cookbook , one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


Helpful Hints from Kaipo's Tutu

Slip plastic bags onto your hands when shaping popcorn balls. They wont stick to you hands or burn them.

Make your own Swiss Mocha drink by using 1 teaspoon instant coffee and 1 teaspoon hot cocoa mix. It's delicious.

1 tbsp. of fresh herbs is equal to 1 teaspoon dried.

1 tbsp. instant minced onion equals 1 small fresh onion.

When buying grapefruit, judge by weight. The heavier ones are juicier.

Lemons that are heated before squeezing will give twice the quantity of juice.

Toss salads well so you can use less dressing, which is healthier.

Try putting marshmallows in the refrigerator and they won't stick to the scissors.

Before grating cheese, brush vegetable oil on the grater and it will clean easier.

Do not add salt to a lettuce salad until just before serving, salt makes the lettuce wilt and become tough.

The darker, outer leaves of lettuce are higher in calcium, iron and Vitamin A.

Remove the tops of carrots before storing. Tops absorb moisture and nutrients from the carrots.

Perk up soggy lettuce by adding lemon juice to a bowl of cold water and soaking it for an hour in the refrigerator.

Heat the frying pan before adding oil or butter to prevent sticking.

To prevent splashing when frying meat, sprinkle a little salt into the pan before putting the fat in.

Hard-boiled eggs will peel easily when cracked and placed in cold water immediately after taking out of the hot water.

Roll a package of bacon into a tube before opening. this will loosen the slices and keep them from sticking together.

Truss poultry with dental floss when grilling. Dental floss does not burn and is very strong.

For potluck dinners and picnics where casseroles must stay warm, wrap in newspaper immediately after baking.

To keep honey from clinging to inside of measuring cup, first coat inside of cup with oil.

To remove fish odor from hands, utensils and dish cloths, use one teaspoon baking soda to quart of water.

Chill cheese before grating, and it will take much less time.

If soup is too greasy, drop a lettuce leaf in pot. When grease has been absorbed, remove lettuce.

Parsley can be frozen.

You can lengthen the life of olive oil by adding a cube of sugar to the bottle.

Store cottage cheese carton upside-down. It will keep twice as long.

Potatoes soaked in salt water for 20 minutes before baking will bake more rapidly.

A rib of celery in your bread bag will keep the bread fresh for a longer time.

Cut bar cookies or rolled cookies with a pizza cutter.

To keep chocolate cakes brown on the outside, dust the greased pan with cocoa instead of flour.

To prevent a freshly baked cake from sticking to the plate, sift some powdered sugar onto the plate.

Add a bit of sugar to milk to prevent scorching.

For better results, use eggs and shortening at room temperature.

Cakes should not be frosted until thoroughly cooled.

A pinch of salt added to very sour fruits while cooking will greatly reduce the amount of sugar needed.

Soak peeled apples in cold water to which 1 teaspoon of salt has been added. They will not discolor.

When you are creaming butter and sugar together, it's a good idea to rinse the bowl with boiling water first. They'll cream faster.

Dip a cookie cutter into powdered sugar or flour so the dough won't stick to the cutter.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
From Kaipo Rossi's Tutu (Grandma)




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