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"Sleep 'til you're hungry, eat 'til you're sleepy."--Unknown

Welsh Pasty Recipe

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This recipe for Welsh Pasty is from Berkwood Hedge School Cookbook , one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


About 5 cup flour
1 cup or so butter
Dash of salt and pepper
1 or 2 eggs
Ice water
6 lb. trimmed and diced top sirloin, placed in a large bowl*
6 large russets diced, placed in a large bowl*
1/2 red onion diced and placed in a small bowl*
PAM spray

*Meat, potatoes should be diced into cubes the size of a Cousin Jenny's little finger nail. (A Cousin Jenny is a Welsh woman.) Onion should be diced very finely

Utensils; rolling pin, rolling surface, 3 bowls

Hand mix flour and butter until all flour taken up. Add ice water, as needed. Roll dough to pie crust shape and size, using a floured cutting board. Keep flouring hands and rolling pin during pasty making. Put a handful of meat, a handful of potato and some onion mixed on 1/2 of the rolled-out pasty. Salt and pepper them. Fold up and pinch the sides together. Make a hole in the center of the pasty and add a good dab of butter in the center hole. Repeat again during baking process. Baste each pasty with a beaten egg. Spray PAM on baking sheets. Bake in 350º preheated oven for about an hour. Cool slightly; carefully lift to plates. Cut each in half to serve.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
My mother-in-law, Kate, and her sister, Marg, taught me to make pasties with a large tablespoon of bickering as to the right technique. To a great extent, this recipe is mine through trial and error. Pasties were the main meal of the men and boys who went down into the Butte, Montana copper mines in the early years of the 20th century. Due to their folded shape, they were called "letters from 'ome."

From Jack McDonald's Granny




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