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Peanut Brittle Recipe

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This recipe for Peanut Brittle is from The Bartlett Family Cookbook , one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


2 c. sugar
1 c. white Karo syrup
3/4 c. water
1 tsp. salt
1/2 cube butter
2 tsp. soda
1 Tbsp. vanilla
2 c. RAW peanuts

Use a heavy pan. Place sugar, water and syrup in it and turn on high heat. When the syrup starts to thicken, add the peanuts. USE A WOODEN SPOON ONLY. You must stir constantly after you add them. Before you start the mixture to cook, put the soda, salt, vanilla, and butter (cut up) into small individual dishes. Butter two cookie sheets. (It will just take a few minutes to make the brittle.) The peanuts will start to look pale beige, and the syrup will change from crystal to pale yellow or straw color. (TAKE IT FROM THE HEAT AS SOON AS IT CHANGES COLOR) Stir in vanilla, salt and butter, then add the soda, and stir about ten stirs or until it foams. Pour out onto the two cookie sheets. BE SURE NOT TO STIR TOO MUCH OR IT WILL BE TOO BROWN.
With the wooden spoon, carefully spread the candy out onto the tray so it's nice and thin. :et it set and cool, then break into pieces.

Preparation Time:
Preparation Time:
1 hour




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