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Grandma Mollie's Cookies Recipe

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This recipe for Grandma Mollie's Cookies is from The Family Cookbook Project, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


Butter 1/4 lb
milk 1/2 c.
flour 3 c.
sugar 1/2 c.
egg 1
baking soda 1 heaping tsp.

Topping: 4 tsp. sugar and cinnamon mix

corn oil and Crisco

Take out a small portion of flour and spread on surface. . Spread the rest in a circle as a dam. pour the following ingredients into the center of the circle in the following order: sugar, baking soda, add the egg, pour in 1/4lb. of melted butter mix slowly with a fork , and add milk and continue to mix slowly.

After well mixed kneed the dough until smooth.

Put oil into pan

Rough out portions of dough into snake 3/4cm x10 cm long.
Cut small portions into figure eight cookies and place in pan about 3/4 in. apart
pour oil on cookies and sprinkle sugar cinnamon mixture on top.

put crisco on the edge of pan

Bake at 400º for 20 mins. untill done

Preparation Time:
Preparation Time:
20 min
Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
I watched Grandma Mollie Rubin make these cookies about 30 years ago! These cookies are hard and made for dipping into coffee. They are an Eastern European treat.




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