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Aunt Michelle's Brisket Recipe

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This recipe for Aunt Michelle's Brisket is from The Yannes Family Cookbook Project, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


1 Brisket (approximately. 5 lbs.)
1 package. Lipton Onion soup
whole carrots
1 -2 bottles of dark beer
whole garlic cloves

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. Season brisket with salt and pepper. Brown brisket in oil-- put in enough oil to cover the bottom of the pan.

Brown brisket on both sides.

Put the browned brisket in a Dutch oven, a broiling pan, or any other large, oven-proof container. Pour in a little of the oil. Drain off the rest of the oil. Put the pan with all the browned pieces and drippings back on the burner and deglaze the pan with some water. Once the water has boiled up all the browned bits, pour all of that over the brisket.

Peel and trim whole carrots--about 12 to 14. Cut in half or cut into thirds. Throw into the pot with the brisket.

Peel some whole garlic cloves and throw in the pot with the brisket and carrots. The number depends on your preference.

Sprinkle the Lipton Soup mix over the meat and vegetables. Then pour the beer over all. Dark beer adds a more dense flavor but you can use lager. Use 2 bottles if you want more juice.

Put the cover on the pan and put in the 325º oven. Cook for 3 hours exactly. If you want, baste the meat and vegetable about once an hour.

Take out and slice meat against the grain. Good served with mashed potatoes. To enhance flavor, slice then let cool overnight. Reheat and serve.

This also freezes very well. Once meat is sliced, put smaller servings of meat, vegetables and juice in separate containers. Freeze. To serve, reheat in the microwave or in a pan on the stove.

Number Of Servings:
Number Of Servings:
6 servings
Preparation Time:
Preparation Time:
20 minutes prep, 3 hours cooking time
Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
You can adjust the serving sizes. If you get a larger brisket, add more of everything else.




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