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"I went to a restaurant that serves 'breakfast at any time'. So I ordered French Toast during the Renaissance."--Steven Wright

Pfannekuchen / Flädle Recipe

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This recipe for Pfannekuchen / Flädle is from The German Oma's , one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


200 g flour (1 3/4 cups)
2 eggs
1/4 l milk (1 cup plus 1 tbsp)
1 pn salt
fat for frying

Mix the flour and milk, then add the eggs, and season with salt. In a skillet, melt a little fat over medium heat. As soon as the fat is hot, hold the skillet at a slight angle and pour in the batter in such a manner that the whole bottom of the skillet is covered with a thin layer. As soon as the bottom of the pancake develops yellow spots, carefully loosen the edges with an egg turner, then flip the pancake to cook the other side. Once the 'Flädle' is done, set it aside for cooling. Pancakes are usually eaten with a sweet coverage (sugar, marmelade) to the individual taste.
Variation: If the 'Flädle' is to be used in 'Flädle'-soup, roll it up and cut it into very thin slices. Put into hot broth, and adjust seasoning to taste, with nutmeg, chopped parsley or chives, etc.
Variation: For 'Kratzer', repeatedly cut the pancake (with the egg turner) in the skillet during the cooking process, and move the pieces to a second skillet, where they are once more sautéed in a little butter. Just before serving, dust with sugar. Serve with stewed fruit. Non-sweetened 'Kratzer' is also a popular side dish for meat dishes with gravy.




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