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Beer steak and corn Recipe

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This recipe for Beer steak and corn is from Our Family Cookbook, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


For each serving, you will need...
1 steak (your choice of cut)
1 12oz beer (I use Coors original - it seems to be the best tasting for this)
1 ear of corn, in husk
butter and salt
bottle of dale's marinade

Place the steaks in a container like a Pyrex dish or something similar - something that will hold the steaks and the liquid.
Pour the beer into the container with the steaks and then add dale's marinade until the liquid mixture is a dark brown color - vary to taste (this has taken some experimentation to get right)
The steaks should be fully submerged in the mixture. Place a paper towel over the container and refrigerate. I like to marinade for at least an hour. When I get started early enough, I marinade for 2 hours.
Peel the husks off the corn, leaving the last layer on, so that you have one piece of husk covering the corn. Peel the husk back and apply butter and salt (to your own taste) to the corn and pull the husk back over the corn. Sometimes I remove the silk, sometimes I don't. It is going to burn off anyway and you may or may not like the taste of the smoke from it.
If using a gas grill, turn the grill on high. If using charcoal, do this step while flames are still going.
Put the corn on the grill and turn every 30 seconds until the husk begins to look burned. Each side of the husk should be turning black or dark brown. Remove the corn from the grill until the flames go down and you are ready to cook the meat (if using a gas grill, turn the grill down to your cooking temperature and leave the corn on).
I have a grill with three gas jets so this next part you may need to adjust for your own grill. I put the left jet on high, the center jet on medium, and the right jet on low. I put the meat in the center and the corn on the right. I leave the left jet on high so that enough heat is provided to cook, but there is no scorching, because the meat is over the center jet. The corn stays on the grill as long as the meat cooks to absorb the flavors of the grilling meat. Leave the lid closed to optimize this effect. Cook to desired temperature, turning the meat and the corn at about the same times, depending on your temp preferences.
The corn has taken some experimentation with time on the grill to get it cooked right.

Number Of Servings:
Number Of Servings:
Preparation Time:
Preparation Time:
1-3 hours
Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
Dad told me to put a recipe on here, but all I really do is experiment with the grill, so this is the first of a few of these.




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