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MICE (English Meat Pie) Recipe

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This recipe for MICE (English Meat Pie) is from Heavenly Recipes - Created in Support of the 2008 American Cancer Society DeLand Relay For Life, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


Round Steak or Roast (2 1/2 lbs. makes 25 pieces)
Suet (can use a good fat)
Salt & Pepper

Cut steak or roast into pieces, 2 x 4 inches by 1/4 inch thick. Salt and pepper each piece. Place 1/2 tsp. suet on each piece and roll it up. Place all rolled up pieces in pan tightly side by side (in a pan that can go on top of the stove). Cover good with onions (chopped). Cover with water, bring to a boil then cook on low until meat is tender. Should still be covered with water. At this point, may continue with recipe of freeze for later. Make enough Bisquick dough to cover meat and back about 45 min. or until dough is done.




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