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"The most remarkable thing about my mother is that for thirty years she served the family nothing but leftovers. The original meal has never been found."--Calvin Trillin

sour dough sandwiches Recipe

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This recipe for sour dough sandwiches is from The Meyer Family Cookbook Project, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


sour dough bread, monterey jack cheese, ham slices, and/or
turkey slices, sliced tomato's, garlic cloves (or garlic salt), butter,
and honey mustard.

You will need a frying pan, a spatula and a garlic press. First
you will need to prepare the butter. Now garlic salt is ok if you
don’t have the real thing but cloves of garlic taste much better.
Now, you will need to press the garlic and add it to the butter.
(If using salt simple add the desired amount to the butter). Mix
this together but don’t heat it up. Then get your Bread and lay
it out on a cutting board. (Get a couple ready sets of bread
ready depending on how many you’re making so you don’t
have to stop to get more bread ready). Butter one side of
each slice and lay that side down with the un-buttered side
facing up. Now on the side facing up you will want to add the
desired amount of honey mustard, then the tomatoes and the
cheese (so the tomatoes don’t slide all over) and the
lunchmeat, and one more layer of cheese. Put the side with all
the ingredients down first (into the frying pan) and then add
the last slice. At first you will need to keep the temperature low
so the cheese can melt. Once the cheese is melted you can
increase the temperature a little to make the bread crispy.
Repeat the process for each sandwich. (Unless you have a
big pan and can do more than one at a time).

Number Of Servings:
Number Of Servings:
as many as you want
Preparation Time:
Preparation Time:
one sandwich takes about ten to fifteen minutes.
Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
This sandwich goes very well with tomato soup.




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