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"One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating."--Luciano Pavarotti

BBQ Sauce for Salmon Recipe

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This recipe for BBQ Sauce for Salmon is from Our Family Cookbook Project, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!



1/2 Pound (2 sticks) unsalted butter
2 garlic cloves, Halved--We use 4 to 5 and smash them up
1/4 cup Light soy sauce
2 Tablespoons American-style mustard or Grey Poupon
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
2 teaspoons ketchup, or to taste

Mix all together in a small saucepan and simmer about 10 to 15 minutes. Let cool and then store in a 1-1/2 cup storage container with a lid. This keeps in the refrigerator for a long time.

To use: Set out prior to using or you can zap a bit in the microwave to liquefy before spooning onto your piece of salmon. Line a small tray (from toaster oven) with foil, place salmon on foil and spoon BBQ sauce on top. This can be done ahead of time then refrigerate until ready to cook. George cooks on the BBQ about 15 minutes (indirect heat)…maybe longer depending on thickness of salmon.

Preparation Time:
Preparation Time:
15 to 20 minutes
Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
This recipe is just about the only way we cook all the salmon he brings back from Alaska.




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