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This recipe for EASY COOKIE is from The Bennett Family Cookbook - 2007, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


1 cup applesauce or mashed bananas
2 cups rolled oats (also called “old-fashioned” oatmeal; do not use instant oatmeal)

You will also need
an ice cream scoop
the ring (2 ¾” diameter) from a narrow-mouthed mason jar.

Mix the ingredients with a utensil. Then you MUST squeeze them through your (thoroughly-disinfected or disposable-gloved) fingers until the mixture sticks together.

Option: add raisins or chocolate chips.

Using the ice cream scoop, deposit dough on a greased cookie sheet. Place the ring around the dough and, using a fork, squash the dough into the ring to mold the dough into a very round cookie.

Bake at 350 F for 15 minutes.

Baking hint: If the tops of the cookies are allowed to brown, the cookies will become too hard.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
This is a two-ingredient cookie. It is not very sweet, but it is good for children to make, healthy and can become an acquired taste.




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