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Basic Fruit Starter or Fermented Fruit (Make this before Fruit Sauce) Recipe

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This recipe for Basic Fruit Starter or Fermented Fruit (Make this before Fruit Sauce) is from The Cookbook of Elizabeth Ann O'Farrell Zeller, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


3/4 c canned peaches in havy syrup, drained and cut into pieces
3/4 c canned pineapple chunks in heavy syrup, drained
6 maraschino cherries, cut in half
1.5 c sugar
1 package instant blend dry yeast or quick-rise yeast

Combine ingredients and place in a glass jar with a loose cover. Set in a fairly warm place. Stir several times the first day, then stir once a day. At the end of two weeks, the starter has fermented enough to make sauce.
One cup of the starter is enough to make the sauce, so the other cup may be given to a friend along with the recipe or used to start a second batch of sauce. We do not recommend doubling the suace recipe.




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