During our recent survey of more than 2,000 cookbook editors, we asked them to please tell us in their own words about your experience creating a family cookbook with Familycookbookproject.com. Here are what some of them said:
It is a delight looking through The Matthews Family Cookbook Project. My Mom passed away recently and it always brings a smile to my face seeing her recipes in print.–Amy Spino
It was a lot of work, but I had a great time putting it together. Didn’t advertise, just let locals know via FB. Was overwhelmed with compliments and sales. Received many letters thanking me for doing this cookbook. So pleased with the results and plan to do a Vol.III and offer to sell through stores, etc. So much fun! – Linda, Favorite Recipes from Wardell Party Home, Vol. 2
We sold 526 cookbooks in 14 months and made a net profit of $5,172. Mr Lowell was quick to respond to my questions. The cookbook was completed in 3 months, 461 recipes. The funds allowed us to support many of our outreach programs. I highly recommend familycookbookproject.com.– Glendale Christian Church Ladies Circle Cookbook, Donna, Editor.
The Eaton, Jorae, & Plunkett Reunion Remembrances Cookbook was done to celebrate the 100th year our Eaton descendants coming together. We decided that a cookbook and bookmarks were the winners over t-shirts, hats, mugs, etc. Everyone was invited to participate and directions were shared. It was a labor of love. With Gail as our’ editor, Family Cookbook Project guided us and our cookbook was published with ease. Thank you, guys
Creating my cookbook was fun and easy! My family and I completed ours together as a memorial to my grandfather who was an amazing baker. During the process we were able to share stories of growing up in his kitchen and now we have those to pass on to the next generation.
I had been looking for an affordable cookbook site to compile a family cookbook as a gift to my grandchildren, nieces, nephews and cousins. This is the first site I found that could fill my needs. The site is user-friendly, provides easy editing and numerous options. When I had a couple of questions, I received a surprisingly quick response. I haven’t completed the book but am enjoying the process.
I created one for my family and friends. When I talked about how much we enjoyed it with my church family, they wanted to do one for the church.
This was a great way to assemble family favorites and connect personal stories and memories to each. It was a gift of good taste and memories that I could leave to my family since I had been diagnosed with a serious illness last summer…..book and I am still here! Great Christmas gift! – Lore of the Mmmm, Yumm, Funn Family Cookbook
The Family Cookbook Project is dedicated to helping individuals and families collect and preserve the time-honored recipes that are so important to our family traditions. This website has helped thousands of families and groups coordinate the creation of personalized cookbooks by provides step-by-step instructions and online tools to create a valuable family heirloom. Personalized cookbooks are also used by schools and church groups as important fundraisers. Start your own cookbook today at www.FamilyCookbookProject.com.