In, contributor is used in two ways.
Recipe Contributors
Someone you invite to add recipes to your cookbook. We call this person a contributor.
Recipe Sources
On each recipe is also a field labeled contributor which allows you to acknowledge the original source of the recipes (for example you upload one of your mother’s recipes and give her credit).
If you want the name that appears on all of the recipes to change, you would have to edit each recipe to change the info in that field since they were manually added when the recipe was first added to the system. When editing a recipe you can use the editors navigation tool at the top of the edit page to move quickly from one recipe to the next.
This is also where the Table of Contents (ToC) come from. If you have someone listed in the ToC twice, that means one is either misspelled or has an extra space after the name on a recipe.
A recipe source on a recipe does not have to be a recipe contributor to your cookbook.
Bill Rice is Founder and Co-Publisher of the Family Cookbook Project, the leading online cookbook publisher with a website that helps families and individuals collect, preserve and share food memories by creating their own printed custom cookbooks. He is the author of The Wellfleet Oyster Cookbook and the Cape Cod Cocktail Cookbook (Available on Amazon), both created using He is also editor of the Donovan Family Cookbook, now it’s third printing and is an avid genealogist tracing his family back to the 1600’s.
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