Family Cookbook Project Wins Best Cooking and Recipe WebAward From The Web Marketing Association

Family Cookbook Project Wins Best Cooking and Recipe WebAward From The Web Marketing Association

The Family Cookbook Project ( has been named the Best Publishing Website in the Web Marketing Association’s 28th annual WebAward Competition for Website development.  The Family Cookbook Project creates personalized printed cookbooks for individuals, families, church groups and schools. This is the sixth year that Family Cookbook Project has been recognized for their website excellence.

“Our mission at Family Cookbook Project is to assist families in preserving their beloved recipes by transforming them into beautifully printed cookbooks that can be handed down through generations,” says Chip Lowell, Co-Publisher and Technical Director of the Family Cookbook Project. “We are thrilled that our work has once again been honored by the Web Marketing Association with this prestigious WebAward. We will keep enhancing our platform to make it even easier for families, schools, and church groups to create both digital and printed cookbooks that become cherished family keepsakes.”

The Family Cookbook Project Website was started as a project in 2004 to help one family collect and organize a family cookbook. Overwhelming feedback from those who used the website led to its continued development and public launch.  Currently, more than 156,000 families and groups have started family cookbooks using the website and contributors have entered more than 2.83 million individual recipes.

“While personalized cookbooks have been a tradition for decades, gathering and organizing recipes has always been a complex task for editors,” explains Lowell. “Now, Family Cookbook Project has simplified the process, making it both affordable and efficient to print your own cookbook. Our online cookbook publishing platform offers clear guidance and easy-to-use tools, allowing cookbook editors to invite contributors and have them submit their recipes directly into the system. From there, editors can review, make adjustments, choose printing options, and get their cookbook delivered in just a few short weeks.”

The Family Cookbook Project Website previously been recognized as the Best Publishing Website (2021, 2020 and 2016) and Best Family Website (2021, 2018). The Family Cookbook Project Blog was also was recognized in 2023 a Blog Standard of Excellence WebAward.

Cookbooks.Tips, the blog of, was also named Best Blog in the 2024 WebAwards.

More than 2,000 sites from 45 countries were adjudicated in 86 industry categories during the WebAward competition. Entries were judged on design, copy writing, innovation, content, interactivity, navigation, and use of technology.  The competition was judged by a team of independent Internet professionals representing a variety of relevant disciplines of Web site development. Judges included members of the media, advertising executives, site designers, creative directors, corporate marketing executives, content providers and webmasters.

About the Web Marketing Association

Since 1997, the annual WebAward Competition is conducted by the Web Marketing Association, an independent organization founded with the purpose of evaluating and recognizing the standard of excellence on the World Wide Web. Award programs run by the Web Marketing Association include the WebAward Competition for Website Development, the Internet Advertising Competition and the MobileWebAwards.

About the Family Cookbook Project

The Family Cookbook Project is dedicated to helping individuals and families collect and preserve the time-honored recipes that are so important to our family traditions. The website at provides step-by-step instructions and online tools to create a valuable family heirloom.  Personalized cookbooks are also used by schools and church groups as important fundraisers. Groups looking to create cookbooks for fundraising efforts, can also check out