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Orange Crumble Pumkin Pie Recipe

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This recipe for Orange Crumble Pumkin Pie is from Sacred Heart Cookbook , one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


1 refrigerated 9 inch pie crust
1 can (15 oz) solid packed pumkin
1 c milk
2 large eggs
1 T all purpose flour
1 t pumkin pie spice
1/2 t salt

2/3 c chopped pecans
1/2 firmly packed brown sugar
1 t grated orange zest
1 t light corn syrup

Optional: whipped cream

Preheat oven 375º

Carefully place the pie crust in a 9 inch pie pan and press in place. Fold the edge under and crimp it or press down along the top edge with a folk. Prick the bottom and sides of the crust with a fork. Bake the crust until it just begins to brown 7-8 minutes. Remove the crust from the oven and place it on a wire rack to cool. Leave the oven on.

In a large mixing bowl, mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, brown sugar flour, pumkin pie spice and salt until well blended. Pour filling into the pie shell and return pie to the oven and bake for 40 minutes.

Place the pecans, brown sugar, orange zest and corn syrup in a small bowl and with a folk to combine. After pie has baked for 40 minutes sprinkle the pecan mixture on the top and continue to bake for 10-15 minutes longer. If the crust is too brown, cover crust with aluminum foil.
Remove pie from oven and place on a wire rack to cool. Serve with whipped cream.




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