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"There is one thing more exasperating than a wife who can cook and won't, and that's a wife who can't cook and will."--Robert Frost

Cinnamon Hard Candy Recipe

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This recipe for Cinnamon Hard Candy is from The BENOIT Family Cookbook , one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


4 C sugar
1 3/4 C Light Karo syrup
1 C water
Cinnamon oil or peppermint oil flavoring
6 drops food coloring
Powdered sugar
zip lock bag
storage jars or tins

Grease (butter) a cookie sheet and heavy sauce pot. In
sauce pan, combine sugar, syrup and water. Cook and stir
over medium-high heat until mixture boils, stirring to dissolve
sugar. When it comes to a boil reduce heat to medium and
continue boiling until it reaches a hard crack stage (290-300º
or when you drop some mixture in cold water and it turns to a
hard ball) stirring occasionally. Turn off heat. Add food
coloring and oil flavoring. Stir until mixed well. Pour into
greased cookie sheet and let stand until completely cool.
Cover cookie sheet with foil or saran wrap making sure it is
covered well. Drop pan on floor to break candy into pieces.
After breaking, drop pieces in zip lock bag with powdered
sugar in it. Shake bag until all pieces are coated with sugar.
Store in jars or tins.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
I get the 1 fl. oz. bottle of oil and use between 1/4-1/2 of bottle.
The more oil you add the stronger the falvor. DO NOT put head
over pot while stirring in flavoring. The fumes are very strong. I
use red food coloring for cinnamon and green food coloring for
peppermint. Enjoy!




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