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Mustard Plaster (from Gramma Tam) Recipe

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This recipe for Mustard Plaster (from Gramma Tam) is from McMillan Family Cookbook, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!



1 Tlb mustard powder (keens)
4 Tlb flour
flannel cloth

This recipe came from Ilene Pogue who went to nursing college with Aunt Kay (Moms sister, Uncle Nicks wife) She said it was a cure for cough and to stimulate circulation to lungs.
Mix mustard and flour and add enough water to make a paste, spread on flannel and then lay it on chest. It can burn so remove if it gets uncomfortable. You can make it stronger by eliminating some of the flour. Wash chest with soap and water when you take it off. Usually can leave 15 to 20 minutes Kids have more tender skin so watch it.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
These things stink and they're hot. Mom put one on Stan (on his honeymoon I recall ) Their first night at Moms house after they eloped!




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