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Granny's Meat Loaf Recipe

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This recipe for Granny's Meat Loaf is from Tried and True, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


1 lb Ground Beef, 1 Chopped Onion, 1 Egg, 1 Can Tomato Juice, 1 tsp Salt, 2 slices Old Bread

Thaw Meat (or Crumbles). Pour water over bread to moisten, then squeeze out excess water and mash. Mix with spoon. Cook in Pyrex or the like. When about half done stir from sides to center. Finish cooking; slowly. One (1) Hour & Fifteen (15) minutes. Test Onions - when they are done the rest is well cooked.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
Directions and recipe are from my Grandmother Ora Albright Wood Robinson. (My Mother's Mother) She lived on a "shoestring" and nothing she made was expensive; but, was the best 'whatever' you ever tasted!




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