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"The trouble with eating Italian food is that five or six days later you're hungry again."--George Miller

Hamburger Cookies Recipe

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This recipe for Hamburger Cookies is from Come Now, Let Us Gather Round My Table, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


1 box Nilla Wafers
1 pkg grasshopper mint cookies
1 can readymade frosting
(vanilla, butter cream, cream cheese all okay)
yellow food coloring
green food coloring

For the fancy version:
sesame seeds
1 pkg of Coconut
red food coloring

Split can of frosting into two mixing bowls. Put 3-4 drops of food coloring in each so you have one yellow and one green. Increase or reduce color based on own preference for “cheese” and “lettuce.” Open box of wafers and package of mint cookies. Ice bottom side of one wafer in yellow frosting, stick mint cookie on top. Ice second wafer with green frosting. Stick to mint wafer. Do for entire box of mint cookies. Fancy version: I’ve found most kids don’t like coconut so I go with the easy version. Instead of using half can of frosting for lettuce, you dye coconut with the green food coloring (never done it but bet there’s directions on the package of coconut or online). You can add red to the half can of frosting that you didn’t use to make ketchup. Ice bottom of one wafer with yellow frosting. Place some bit of dyed coconut on yellow frosting and then adhere to mint cookie. Ice second wafer bottom with red frosting and stick to mint cookie. Heat up a small bit of honey (not too much it goes a long way). Using a brush, brush on honey to top of wafer hamburger. Drop a few sesame seeds onto honey. Now you have a more authentic looking burger.

Tip: You can use another brand but I’ve found you’ll have more broken cookies and perhaps not enough.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
A few of Debbie's favorite things: Homemade bread, fresh butter, guacamole and chips, prime rib (medium), Grandma's green beans and angel food cake with strawberry filling. Anything mint especially if also chocolate. QUILTING then teaching!




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