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Fufu de Platano (Mashed plantains) Recipe

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This recipe for Fufu de Platano (Mashed plantains) is from Communications Bureau Cookbook , one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


4 to 6 green plantains (depending on size)
1/2 cup of pork cracklings
3 tbsp olive oil
1 head of garlic minced
sea salt to taste
black pepper (optional)

Cut the plantains in 1/2 inch pieces, leaving the skin on. Place them in a large pot with water to boil until tender, which is when you can easily prick it with a fork. Once tender, remove from heat and run them under cold water for a few minutes to cool them off so that you can peel off the skin. In a bowl, mash the plantains well and slowly add the pork cracklings and salt, mixing them into the mashed plantains.
In a frying pan saute the garlic and pepper for a few minutes. Pour it over the mashed plantains and serve.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
I prefer the Fufu to be a bit sweeter, so I substitute 2 of the green plantains for plantains that are a bit riper, the color would be yellowish green. The yellowier the plantains the riper and sweeter it is. I also like to use a lot of garlic, so you may use less if preferred.




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