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This recipe for PAPPASITO'S BUTTER DIP SAUCE is from X-PLOSION COOKBOOK, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


1 lb butter
1 lb margarine
1 big heaping tablespoon granule chicken bouillon (Knorr's is the BEST)
2 tablespoons finely chopped garlic (fresh is better but can use fresh chopped in jars)
1 cup white wine (Chardonnay is best)

Get butter and margarine room temp.
Mix all but the wine together(can use an electric mixer).
This will be a peanut butter texture.
Slowly blend in the wine.
Empty, tube style, onto saran wrap and roll up.
This freezes well and sections can be cut off for use.
GREAT on all meats for dipping or basting.

When you get ready to use, cut off sections (the smaller the sections the better it nukes). Put in bowl to nuke. Nuke 10 seconds at a time until you see it froth. Stop and serve there as if you allow to go further, the butter will separate.




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