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Basic Hard Candy (sucker) Recipe Recipe

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This recipe for Basic Hard Candy (sucker) Recipe is from The Peter Family Cookbook Project, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


2 cups sugar
2/3 cups light corn syrup
3/4 cup water
oil flavoring, liquid food coloring, optional

sucker sticks
sucker molds
sucker bags
scotch tape
labels to mark for flavor, price, ingredients, etc.

In a med saucepan, blend sugar, corn syrup and water. Bring to a boil over high heat until mixture reaches 290 degrees or forms ball in bowl of cold water. remove pan from heat let bubbles simmer down some before adding flavoring and color. too much stirring will cause syrup to solidify in to a hard sugary lump. pour into prepared molds (use Pam), hard candy molds only. work fast.

When candies are cooled completely place them individually in the 3 x 5 plastic sucker bags and seal at bottom with scotch tape.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
Some brands of sugar cause foaming and boil over, so do not leave it unattended. If it starts to foam - lift pan up from off the heat until it goes back down and turn the heat lower and allow it to cook for longer time at the reduced heat.




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