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"The first zucchini I ever saw I killed it with a hoe."--John Gould, Monstrous Depravity, 1963

Red Beans and Rice, Grandma Style Recipe

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This recipe for Red Beans and Rice, Grandma Style is from Sunday Dinner Cookbook - A Second Helping 2009, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


Dried Kidney Beans, 1lb
Pickled Pork (not salt pork)
Bay leaves, to taste
Sweet Basil, to taste
Cayenne & Black pepper, to taste
Parsley, to taste
Onion, 1 large, chopped
Garlic Toes 6-7, chopped
1/2 to 3/4 cup Rice, cooked

Rinse the beans and place in a large pot filled with water. Turn heat on high. Add all of the other ingredients except for the rice and let come to a full boil. Yes, I put the meat in raw! Turn heat down to a very gentle boil and partially cover pot so the water won't evaporate too quickly. Stir occasionally, adding water as needed. Continue to cook until the beans are soft and the water has cooked down to your desired consistency. Taste and add salt as needed. Depending on the pickled pork, the added salt will differ. Cooking time could take up to 4-5 hours.

Number Of Servings:
Number Of Servings:
Preparation Time:
Preparation Time:
Not long to place everything in the pot but a long cooking time.
Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
Some people like their red beans soupy, some like them thick and creamy. The longer you continue to cook them after the beans become soft, depending on how much water you add, the thicker and creamier they become. Red beans make good leftovers and freeze well.
Don't forget the French Bread, Beet Salad or Harvard Beets and pass the Tabasco!




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