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White Christmas Pie Recipe

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This recipe for White Christmas Pie is from MEMORIES, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


9 inch baked pie shell

1 T gelatin
1/4 c. cold water

1/2 c. sugar
4 T. Gold Medal Flour
1/2 tsp. salt

1 1/2 c. milk

3/4 tsp. vanilla
1/4 tsp. almond extract

1/2 c. whipping cream - whipped until stiff

3 egg whites (3/8 c.)
1/4 tsp. cream of tartar
1/2 c. sugar

1 c. moist shredded coconut

Soften gelatin in cold water.
Mix together in saucepan - sugar, flour, salt.
Stir in gradually milk.
Cook over low heat, stirring until it boils. Boil 1 min. Remove from heat. Stir in softened gelatin. Cool. When partially set, beat with rotary beater until smooth. Blend in vanilla, almond extract.
Gently fold into a meringue made of egg whites, cream of tartar and sugar.
Fold in coconut.
Pile into cooled baked pie shell. Sprinkle with moist shredded coconut. Chill until set (about 2 hr.) Serve cold.

Take chilled pie out or refrigerator 20 min. before serving.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
This is on page 321 of the 1950s original Betty Crocker Picture Cook Book. "It was created by Ruby Livedalen Peterson of our Staff." This is my Aunt Ruby (niece of Theoline Christenson Dahl) who is now (2008) 93 years young. She was on the original staff of General Mills which prepared, photographed etc. items that were included in the famous red cook book. She worked for them for many years and I always thought of her as the family "Betty Crocker." In 2005 Susan Marks wrote a book "Finding Betty Crocker". Much to my Aunt Ruby's surprise and delight, she was interviewed and quoted extensively for this book. It is fun to read about Betty Crocker - who was not a real person - but an American icon.




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