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Hazelnut Cookies Recipe

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This recipe for Hazelnut Cookies is from The German Oma's , one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


1 ¼ lbs. of hazelnut meats
1 C. egg whites (about 10 eggs)
1 tsp. Cream of Tartar
2 tsp. Vanilla
2 C. powdered sugar

Prepare meringue by whipping the egg whites in a large 3 qt. Stainless steel mixing bowl. (Be sure it is very clean and cool.) Add the egg whites, Cream of Tartar, Vanilla, and powdered sugar. Whip until the meringue peaks.
2. Set aside 48 nuts for garnish.
3. Grind the remainder of the nuts in a hand-cranked grinder (one that is made for nuts). Otherwise use a food processor. Add only a small amount of nuts at a time, so the grinds are consistent. They should be a little larger than the size of grated Parmesan.
4. In another mixing bowl, fold 4-5 cups of the meringue into the grated nuts. The consistency should be similar to a play-dough. It holds together very nicely, and is pliable.
5. Make into 1½-inch balls, and place 1 inch apart on a greased cookie sheet. Place remaining meringue in a pastry bag or a 1-qt. Zip-lock bag with one of the corners snipped off.
6. Dip your finger in water and make a dimple in each cookie. Top each with a dab of meringue squeezed through the corner hole in the Zip-lock bag, and place a hazelnut on top.
7. Bake in a 325° oven for 20 to 25 minutes, until the meringue just starts to brown slightly. You should get from 20 to 25 cookies




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