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Carmel Nut Squares - Million Dollar Candy Recipe

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This recipe for Carmel Nut Squares - Million Dollar Candy is from Family & Friends Treasured Recipes, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


2 1/2 - 3 lb. mixed nuts chopped - no peanuts
1 - 12 oz. pkgs chocolate chips
3 C. brown sugar
1 C. butter
1 C. light karo syrup
1 can sweet & condensed milk

1. line a 10 x 15 jelly roll pan with foil and butter the foil.
2. Melt 1 pkg. chocolate chips in double boiler & spread on foil.
3. Sprinkled chopped nuts over chocolate.
4. Over low heat, cook together: brown sugar, syrup, butter & milk to a soft ball. Makes a caramel mixture.
5. Pour over nuts.
6. Melt pkg of chocolate chips & spread over caramel mixture and nuts.
7. Refrigerate over night. Leave at room temperature for about 1 hour then cut and put in candy paper!

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
Recipe from Pat Wise. A Prudential hit every Christmas! Rich but ohhhhh so good!




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